Business of Games: Turbocharge your mobile game’s success this cricket season 🏏

CARtic P
2 min readApr 12, 2024

Turbocharge your mobile game’s success this cricket season with the following UA tactics.

Pre-season UA Strategies: Act Early for Impact: Start your UA campaigns before the cricket season commences. The intention is to capture attention while CPI is low.

Rev Growth and Player Retention:

  1. Revenue Surge: The cricket season typically sees a 225% increase in revenue (from 2023), especially with fantasy gaming apps. This surge is influenced by heightened user engagement driven by live matches and tournament excitement.
  2. Uninstall Rate Challenge: Post-season, there is a notable 50% uninstall rate. Implement retention strategies early on with regular content updates and maintain communication through push notifications and personalized offers.

Incorporate a cricket mini-game: Incorporate cricket-themed mini-games with predictions or trivia to enhance user engagement. They help you with installations from an ASO POV.

Leveraging Tournaments Beyond IPL: Do not limit your campaigns to the IPL. Extend your marketing efforts to include the T20 World Cup, which typically runs from June 1 to the end of June. Continue remarketing to users with special deals and timely content updates to retain their interest across different cricketing events.

  1. Note: you have a good chance of covering cricket lovers in the US, as the WC is happening in the US this year.

With Love, Cartic P

